Bedroom Furniture Ideas 2020

Bedroom Furniture Ideas 2020

Your bedroom is a personal haven to retreat to after a long day, so the interior design and bedroom decor you choose should reflect this. From traditional aesthetics to modern styles, your bedroom design can take several forms to express your personality. Whether you're completely redecorating, or you want to add a few minor changes, these 9 bedroom design trends will point you in the right direction for 2020.

Related: Can Bedroom Design Help You Sleep Better? [Podcast]

1. Bright monochromatics

2. Bringing in nature

3. Japandi

4. Eco friendly design

5. Combining old and new

6. Earthy colour scheme

7. Home comforts

8. High tech bedrooms

9. Wicker furniture

1. Bright monochromatics

While previous bedroom design trends have favoured soft and subtle colours, bold hues such as cobalt blue, forest green and ochre yellow are all set to be big throughout 2020. This trend involves picking one daring colour instead of an assorted colour scheme and using your chosen shade throughout your bedroom, whether this is with accessories such as vases, pillows or curtains, or by simply painting all of the walls this shade.

2. Bringing in nature

Add some greenery to your bedroom using real plants, these look particularly good against plain white walls or wooden shelves. While faux plants might have sufficed in 2019, this year bringing real plants to the bedroom is a recurring theme.  Speaking to Elle Decor, Linda Hayslett of L.H. Designs says:

"I can always spot a faux plant in a design. It may be great initially, but the character of a plant comes from how it organically grows. And faux plants will always remain the same and eventually get dusty."

While making your space beautiful, such biophilic decor has also been said to have health benefits. According to a Journal of Physiological Anthropology study, exposure to indoor plants can reduce stress. They are also said to purify the air. Certain plants can even promote a better night's sleep.

3. Japandi

Japanese design has often been a firm favourite amongst interior designers. However, 2020 sees a combination of Japanese and Scandinavian styles, creating a look that is both minimalist and impactful. Think minimal clutter, clean lines and neutral colours. In terms of materials, mix pale Scandi woods such as beech with more modern Japanese-inspired woods, such as black bed frames or dark oak wardrobes.

Related – Black headboards

4. Eco-friendly design

As well as bringing plants into your rooms, nature is prioritised in 2020 bedroom design trends by the use of sustainable materials and recycled accessories. For example, hunt out materials such as reclaimed wood in bedside tables, organic blankets or upcycled rugs. Other ways to make your bedroom sustainable include using paint with low VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds), using essential oils instead of aerosols and using LED lighting instead of traditional bulbs.

5. Combining old and new

While interior design has often been seen as traditional vs contemporary, this new 2020 design trend sees the mishmash of both. Bring this into the bedroom by incorporating new furnishings or sleek surfaces with your favourite things that you've collected over the years, think souvenirs from holidays, vintage or art deco style bed frames, or ornate clocks to create a sense of nostalgia.

Related: Bed Frame Inspiration for Interior Trends

6. Home comforts

Your master bedroom design doesn't have to be exclusively aesthetic. Add some practicality and warmth to your bedroom by layering cushions, throws and blankets to create a personal sanctuary. Incorporate soft fabrics with an upholstered headboards or bedside tables or consider a plush carpet if you're redecorating. Combining colours and fabrics, such as thick knits, velvet or comfortable cotton, depending on the season, can create a homely room with character.

Related: Beautiful Headboards for Current Trends

7. Earthy colour scheme

Creating spaces to improve mental health is at the forefront of 2020 bedroom design trends, this can be seen in trends such as bringing in plants, stocking up on home comforts and using soft comforting colours. 2020 is leaving behind pale colours or black and white spaces in favour of warm and welcoming colours.

Read more: 4 Bedroom Colour Schemes That Will Make You Happy

Colours schemes such as browns, reds and greens on bedding, wallpaper or curtains can create an inviting and rustic feel. Interior designer Marika Meyer of Meyer Interiors says:

"Say goodbye to the cool tones that have ruled for so many years. Shades of chocolate brown, wine, olive green, and yellow ochre are all taking over in homes. We love substituting these warm, natural colours for a neutral on the sofa or walls."

Related – Green headboards

8. High tech bedrooms

With it being 2020, bedroom designs are starting to look to the future and focusing more on practicality and convenience for the individual. The introduction of voice-activated lightbulbs, sunlight alarm clocks and tv beds are all aimed at making day to day life a little bit easier. Bring the future into your bedroom with mood lighting that can constantly change the look of your bedroom or a futuristic fan to help keep you cool.

Related: How Will We Sleep in the Future?

9. Wicker furniture

Finally, in tone with the use of an earthy colour palette and natural materials, wicker or rattan furniture is seeing a big comeback this year. Incorporate this with quirky bedside tables or even in your bedroom lighting. Alternatively, wicker storage baskets help add practicality while implementing this design trend.

To sum up, 2020 bedroom designs are largely looking back with nostalgia, while incorporating a few futuristic additions in terms of practical gadgets. The largest trend is bringing the outdoors in with sustainability, earthy hues, real plants and rustic materials such as wicker.

What are your favourite bedroom design trends of 2020? Let us know in the comments!

Bedroom Furniture Ideas 2020


Bedroom Furniture Ideas 2020 Bedroom Furniture Ideas 2020 Reviewed by katieperdue on Desember 05, 2021 Rating: 5

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